Digi-Stem® meters and probes are sold separately for a completely customizable system. Pair your Digi-Stem® DST500 Series Meter or Digi-Stem DSX500 Series Meter with an adjustable angle, straight or angle rigid, or remote probe to meet the requirements of your installation. Cables for remote probes are available with IP68 rated quick disconnect connector options on the meter and/or probe side. Use the quick disconnect option to disconnect the meter and probe for lab calibration, while leaving the cable in place for easy removal and replacement.
Digi-Stem® DST500 Series probes utilize Pt100, Class A, 4 wire platinum RTD sensors in MgO packed MI cable. Sanitary probes are in compliance with 3A Standard 74-06.
To build your probe, refer to our probe configuration matrix. Choose one option from each section to build a standard probe configuration.
Don't see what you need? We build custom designed probes to meet the requirements of special applications. Contact us for more information.